
Farewell, Molina. Again and Again.

I am without armour at this juncture. And yet I feel protected, prepared, Jason's music so prevalent every step of my journey, his spirit an apotropaic force in my life.. Every corner I turn, there he is.

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Letterpress :: Love

When I first began working at Blue Barnhouse back in Spring 2009 I knew nothing of Letterpress and only a little about printmaking in general. After a few crash sessions on the Vandercook and the C&P, a little hanging around the shop, and a modicum of historical letterpress education, I fell in love. It was the smell of the ink, the clankety-clack of the C&P and the side-stepping necessary while operating the Vandercook. The feel of the different grains of paper and how they accepted ink. The little bit of fear that gripped my heart every time I fed the motorized C&P and the exhaustion of my body after operating the foot-pedal C&P.

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Memory Trippin' With Howlies

While going through some old pictures, I found these shots of Howlies, from Hand Cranked Letterpress {when the studio Lance Wille and Suzie Millions shared with a few other artists was still on Tingle Alley} in Asheville in February 2009. Howlies had just played an in-store at  Static Age on Lexington Avenue and made a stop to visit Lance at Hand Cranked to bring him a copy of their record, for which he set the type on the back cover. We then took a tour of Echo Mountain and then ate a late lunch at Early Girl before heading to New French Bar. It started snowing and by the time they shipped out the next morning, there was a few inches on the ground. One of the guys made me a tiny snow man and left it on my coffee table to melt, as well as writing their name in the snow outside the house. I miss them. {more pictures below} [bandcamp album=1279156064  bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=366387 size=grande3]

oh yeah, and I was in their music video for "Aluminum Baseball Bat" keep your eyes peeled at 4:15


From Creative Loafing Atlanta:

When Howlies' drummer Aaron Wood announced via Facebook that the band was breaking up Oct. 5, it brought one of Atlanta's finer rock 'n' roll bands to an unceremonious end. When CL's Crib Notes music blog contributor Jhoni Jackson asked for an explanation, he responded, "I took a mastur-nap — it's where you masturbate and take a nap afterward — and then I woke up from my mastur-nap and I was like, 'Whoa, I'm gonna quit a band.'"

It was a lame stroke at humor and a slight disservice to the rest of the members of a band whose 2009 Kim Fowley-produced debut, Trippin' With Howlies, arrived bursting with the hooks and energy of an outfit that seemed destined for some level of success.

Since the initial announcement, Wood has also canceled Howlies' final show, which was scheduled for Star Bar's 20th anniversary/Halloween party. Though the rest of the band disagreed with Wood's decision, they've decided not to continue Howlies without him. "Aaron quit Howlies, and cancelled this show on his own. The rest of us had no intention of ending this band," Justin Brooke and the remaining members wrote via email. "This is the way one person has chosen to end a 16-year musical partnership. People have been asking if we'll continue Howlies without Aaron, but we don't feel like that would be doing you or us any favors."

"little bitty things that i never really decided on" :: Ryan Monroe of Band of Horses debuts making-of A Painting of a Painting on Fire doc

My sweetheart's record is coming out on Tuesday June 12th! I can't review the record the way I normally would right now because I am too excited and biased*, so here's a behind-the-scened documentary that Ryan made with footage that Christopher Wilson shot of Ryan making the record! {premiered on Filter yesterday}

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